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Welcome to MeMo

MeMo - Mental Mosaic Consultancy is dedicated to fostering holistic mental wellness in Kenya through a diverse range of innovative workshops and programs. Our mission is to empower individuals to recapture themselves and prioritize mental well-being, thereby contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) while indirectly supporting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). With a vision for a world where mental wellness is accessible to all, MeMo operates on core values of compassion, integrity, empowerment, inclusivity, and innovation. 


Our Story

MeMo is a Mental Wellness Consultancy that provides innovative workshops to enhance the mental wellness of individuals in Kenya. Our workshops are designed to empower individuals and offer them the skills needed to maintain a healthy state of mind. At MeMo, we are guided by compassion, integrity, and innovation. We believe that everyone deserves access to resources that support their mental wellbeing.

To empower individuals to prioritize mental well-being and achieve holistic wellness through innovative workshops and programs.

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Zahra Njoki, CEO & Founder

Development Scientist | Author | Writer | Poet | Marketing Strategist | Moderator | Public Speaker

Our Founder

"I founded MeMo - Mental Mosaic Consultancy driven by a passion for mental wellness and personal development. As a Development Scientist, my mission is to help others thrive while aligning with the 17 SDGs. Founding MeMo was a deeply personal journey. I wanted to create a space where individuals in Kenya and beyond could access innovative workshops and programs tailored to their holistic well-being. My diverse skill set allows me to craft experiences that resonate deeply, aligning with SDG 3 while indirectly supporting SDG 8. At MeMo, every service we offer is infused with my values of compassion, integrity, and innovation, reflecting my belief in the transformative power of mental wellness."

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